Upcoming Events

Our Saturday Morning Virtual Events usually start with an hour-long clinic and follow with our Coast Modeling Roundtable where we share our modeling successes and challenges. The events are held every other week. Please check the PCR Calendar for current dates.
Coast Division Saturday Morning Virtual Event
2025 Dates: March 8 & 22, April 5 & 19, May 3, 17, & 31, June 14 & 28
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Join us on June 1st for the Spring Coast Auction. The Auction will be held at the Mastick Senior Center in Alameda. Items Check in starts at 10 AM, clinic 11-12, Business Meeting at Noon, Auction starts at 12:15. Open to all NMRA members,
Spring Coast Auction
June 1, 10 AM – 3 PM
Mastick Senior Center 1155 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA 94501

2023 Texas Express
NMRA International Convention
Date: 8/20 – 8/26/2023
Gaylord Texan
Resort & Convention Center
1501 Gaylord Trail
Grapevine, TX 76051
Hosted by Divisions 1 & 3 of the Lone Star Region
This will be the first convention ever in Dallas/Fort Worth and only the second convention to be held in Texas in over 30 years.
“Things are always bigger and better in Texas”
Past Events
Click for more information about past events