Join the NMRA to get more from your model railroading hobby. Being an NMRA member gives you the tools, knowledge and friendships to get more from modeling. Here are some ways being an NMRA member can accelerate your enjoyment of the hobby.

Learn with hands on clinics, working with other modelers and the Digital Magazine and Meetups.


Hands on Clinics are the best way to learn and hone new skills. Have experienced modelers show your their techniques to generate great results

Live clinics where you learn and try are the best way to learn. For example, a soldering clinics where the science of soldering is taught and then each participants has an opportunity to actually solder and learn hos to join parts, solder rail, and more.

Working Together

Members often work together on projects for each other model railroads. Tis is an example of a building that was built by three modelers working together to design a model base on a prototype and the build using laser cutting, 3D printing and model finishing to create a great model.

NMRA Magazine and Regional Publications

As an NMRA Member you will get access to some of the best modeling and articles in the NMRA Magazine as well as Regionals and Divisional publications. Get great articles about modeling, layouts, and more.

Layout tours, clinics, and contests let you see great modeling and be inspired for your own models

Layout Tours

NMRA members get to visit great layouts, not only in their areas, but as you travel to railroad events in other parts of the country. See how other modelers are building their layouts and modeling.


At meets and conventions, modeling contests let you see some of the best modeling in the world as well as having your own models entered and compete. Be motivated to better modeling.

A big part of model railroading is sharing your modeling and experiences with other model railroaders. NMRA events and activities as well as on-line social networking is the best way to meet other model railroaders with similar interests. Whether for modeling, railfanning, operating, or just being friends, you will meet great modelers and friends in the NMRA.

Many current NMRA members point to long term local, national, and even international friendships that came through their membership in the NMRA.

Save money by using the NMRA Partner discount Program. Over 50 vendors give 10-25% discounts as well as, in some cases, even free shipping. Many members find they can save the cost of their annual membership with Partner Program savings.

Meeting and modeling with experienced modelers will help you avoid the many pitfalls of the hobby, Whether you are building your first layout or getting started in 3D printing or operations, your fellow NMRA members advice and assistance will help you avoid the pitfalls, some expensive, of the hobby.

Get all this by joining with a $19.95 NMRA RailPass today.

The RailPass is a special 9 month non-voting membership that lets your try out the benefits of NMRA membership. You will get the PCR and Division emails for events and activities coming up so you can join and check it out. You will receive the NMRA monthly magazine in digital form. You will also be able to attend member only events like the upcoming PCR 2024 Convention in Silicon Valley.